Botanical bas-reliefs as gifts and for interior décor

About me

I’m Elena Kulikova — a gypsum and concrete artist specializing in crafting botanical bas-reliefs since 2019.

Over the several years of creativity I made impressions of many types of herbs, flowers, fruits and tree twigs. As a result, I have gained experience, thanks to which I have a good sense of what plants can become the starting point for a gypsum panel.

The best reward for an artist is when his works, even small ones, find their audience, their place in space.

If you have ideas on how to use botanical bas-relief in interior design, I will be glad to cooperate.

My casting method allows me to capture even the most intricate details of plants, use color, add inscriptions, and create various shapes.

Almost any impression can be replicated. This is suitable for corporate gifts.

Botanical bas-reliefs as gifts

Bas-reliefs made of gypsum and concrete look impressive and can make an original gift.

Ботанический барельеф
Tinted impression of an olive
Gypsum, watercolor
Ботанический барельеф
Fern. Oval impression with a bow
Gypsum, silk ribbon
Ботанический барельеф
Lilies of the valley. Color copies
Gypsum, watercolor, silk ribbon
Ботанический барельеф
Mistletoe. Round impression with a bow
Gypsum, patina, ribbon
Ботанический барельеф
Mistletoe. Round impression with a bow
Gypsum, patina, ribbon
Ботанический барельеф
Greeting card with inscription. Impression in a frame
Ботанический барельеф
Olive impression
Ботанический барельеф
Olive imprint
Ботанический барельеф
Mistletoe impression
Gypsum, grey clay

My casting method allows me to capture even the most intricate details of plants, use color, add inscriptions, and create various shapes.

Almost any impression can be replicated. This is suitable for corporate gifts.

Botanical bas-reliefs as gifts

Bas-reliefs made of gypsum and concrete look impressive and can make an original gift.

I can cast a bas-relief in practically any size and shape, allowing it to seamlessly integrate into the interior space. Additionally, I can assist in selecting plants that will complement the impression, evoke the desired mood, and reflect the designer’s vision.

If you have any ideas on how to use botanical bas-reliefs in interior design, I would be delighted to collaborate.

Bas-reliefs for interior décor

Bas-reliefs made of gypsum and concrete can become a unique element of the design for an apartment, store, or restaurant.

Ботанический барельеф
Flowers and herbs. Triptych for interior design
Ботанический барельеф
Flowers and herbs. Triptych for interior design
Ботанический барельеф
Pine tree branches. Diptych for interior design
Ботанический барельеф
Pine tree branches. Diptych for interior design
Ботанический барельеф
Mistletoe. Oval gypsum in a frame
Gypsum, weathered board
Garden flowers and woodland herbs. Kitchen apron with 8 imprints


Ботанический барельеф
Willow, feather, and ribbon. Easter bas-relief for festive decoration
Gypsum, ribbon
Ботанический барельеф
Pomegranate branch. Tinted bas-relief
Gypsum, dye
Ботанический барельеф
Wormwood, Japanese anemone, shepherd's purse, and nasturtium
Gypsum, red clay
Ботанический барельеф
Japanese anemone. Impression for interior
Ботанический барельеф
Sycamore branch. Impression for interior
Ботанический барельеф
Sycamore branches. Triptych for interior
Ботанический барельеф
Easter bas-relief for festive decoration
Gypsum, silk ribbon
Ботанический барельеф
Wormwood, Japanese anemone, shepherd's purse, and nasturtium. Diptych for interior
Gypsum, red clay

I can cast a bas-relief in practically any size and shape, allowing it to seamlessly integrate into the interior space. Additionally, I can assist in selecting plants that will complement the impression, evoke the desired mood, and reflect the designer’s vision.

If you have any ideas on how to use botanical bas-reliefs in interior design, I would be delighted to collaborate.

Bas-reliefs for interior décor

Bas-reliefs made of gypsum and concrete can become a unique element of the design for an apartment, store, or restaurant.

Ботанический барельеф
Ботанический барельеф
Ботанический барельеф
Ботанический барельеф
Ботанический барельеф
Ботанический барельеф
Ботанический барельеф
Ботанический барельеф
Ботанический барельеф
Ботанический барельеф
Ботанический барельеф
Ботанический барельеф
Ботанический барельеф
Ботанический барельеф
Ботанический барельеф
Ботанический барельеф
Ботанический барельеф
Ботанический барельеф
Ботанический барельеф
Ботанический барельеф
Ботанический барельеф
Ботанический барельеф
Telegram @kulikowa
© Elena Kulikova — plaster and concrete artist
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